Postkaardid: EVS Reflections
Valmistasin need postkaardid ja seinamaalingu Euroopa Vabatahtliku Teenistuse järeltegevuse raames aastatel 2010 ja 2011. Seinamaalingut võib näha Keila Noortekeskuse kohvikus LUUK.
These postcards were made in July 2011 in Estonia for the promotion of European Voluntary Service. I participated the EVS in Thessaloniki, Greece from July 2010 – April 2011 making wallpaintings, postcards and performances for NGO Kids in Action.
These postcards and a wallpainting in Keila Youth Center’s cafeteria called LUUK are the continuity to my work in Estonia.
These postcards and a wallpainting in Keila Youth Center’s cafeteria called LUUK are the continuity to my work in Estonia.