Dying to become
Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava projekt: PREMIERE ’15  lavastus “Dyung to become”.
Impulsipõhine olend ahenevas ajendituses.Laibastumus, terviklik hääbumine.Iseenese lagunemise mikrotasandil.Keha sureb, sekund-sekundillt.Kaduvus loob vabadust.Lähtepunktiks on vaakumid eksistentsis.
Autor / koreograaf: Arolin Raudva
Lava / kostüüm: Nele Sooväli
Visuaalid: Hannes Aasamets
Heli: Henri Hütt
Dramaturg: Tarmo Jüristo
Premiere: 18th of February 2015
This is Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava’s project: PEMIERE ’15 dance performance “Dying to Become”.
Vacuums in existence-Â Oppressive space without space. Rigid numbness, vapidity. Illusion of immobility.
The absence of an inner urge: no desire, no need. Only thing surviving is the mechanism of action. The only way to become alive: tangible death.
Author/Performance: Arolin Raudva
Stage/Costume: Nele Sooväli
Visuals: Hannes Aasamets
Sound: Henri Hütt
Dramatist: Tarmo Jüristo
Premiere: 18th of February 2015